PopMart Blythe

I now own a few of the PopMart Blythe and I am looking at others, thinking I need them too. Did you know that some of the PopMart Blythe' eyes had a pull string and four changeable eyes like the Original Blythe Dolls? Or that a person could do Face Ups on them? I am planning to do just that coming very soon.
{please note: Not all of the PopMart Blythe Dolls have the changing Eye Mechanism, some have 'fixed' eyes.}
So far, I have only seen, I think, five different types of PopMart Blythe Dolls with four changing eye types per doll. They are each Adorable Dolls!~
I know. I know. I need to Add More Photos to this page, and every page of this website. Know that I am working on it.

When I looked this up, I DID find Registered Trade Mark Numbers for more than one Country. So I would say, YES!~ These are Registered Trade Mark Blythe Dolls.
It was not completely clear, still doing more checking, but it seems the Bausch Lomb Lacelle Co holds the License for this type of Blythe Doll.

NOTE: Not all PopMart Blythe Dolls have Changing Eyes, but some do.
Those that do have the changing eyes have a Pull String in the back of the head that, when pulled, changed the eyes four times, one per pull, just like the Neo Blythe Doll, just like the 1972 Original Kenner Blythe Doll.
These Blythe Dolls are smaller than the Middie Blythe Dolls and larger than the Petite or, also called, Mini Blythe Dolls. They are 15cm tall. Photos coming very soon.

I will have more on this, as soon as we crack open the first face here that I do a Face Up on. 
The PopMart Blythes, the ones that I have seen, come with a cute outfit and shoes or boots. Each hair color of these dolls, has a different outfit.
I have not seen any sort of Fashion Pack for this size Blythe, but for me?, making clothing for them is something I love to do. And what I am planning to do with these dolls.
Middie Blythe Shoes DO fit on the Popmart Blythes, or, the at least the shoes that Deron 3D Print do. It is a nice, click on, fit.
The contents of this page for PopMart Blythe, as well as this website as a whole, is still, and will remain, under construction. Please check back later and often.

I thought this photo might be useful to some that like to sew and would like to sew for the PopMart Blythe Dolls.
I have started sewing for the PopMart Blythe Dolls. I am working on Patterns, and have made dresses, some with sleeves, as well as an apron, and other items. I am pleased with how the process is going. I have taken some basic patterns and tweaked and worked on them so that they fit these tiny dolls.
I will be adding more information and free sewing and crochet patterns for these cutie pies.
I will be adding Patterns and Tutorials on making clothing for these PopMart Blythe Dolls on the Sewing, Crocheting, Knitting, Pages here on THIS site.
-- The Whimsical Blythe Team Wed, 14 Sep 2022 15:42:13 -0500 2023-09-30 2023-10-08